09/15/2017: Old vs New Testament

There is and most likely will always be a debate about the Old Testament Vs. the New Testament. The Law, are we still under it or are we under Grace? Anyone who seriously studies the Bible can easily see for themselves how both the Old and  New Testaments are linked in such a way they cannot be divided.

            When God created man He created them perfect in every way. Everything was perfect Genesis 1:31 meaning exceedingly good or better than good. Then in Genesis 3 man gave up their perfection and willingly sinned. In the same chapter God pronounces a curse upon them but also made a way for man to break the curse and be restored to his Adamic covenant and place in God. Genesis 3:15 is speaking of the birth of Jesus, the seed of the woman. This is God’s plan to redeem man and restore him back to perfection, through Christ. God knew it would take time to prepare a sacrifice worthy of such an ability to restore fallen man. Romans 6:23 makes it clear what sin does but God’s gift (Jesus) Genesis 3:15 brings back or restores life.

            Here is the problem, God gave us life and earth to do with it what we want (Genesis 1:26). If God gives, He does not take away.  But if He can find a man who will ask God to intervene God will on man’s behalf. II Chronicles 7:14 gives us guidance on how to get God to help us out of the mess we make of our lives. So with all of that in mind the clock began to tick towards a complete restoration of man the way God desired in the beginning. The journey we are on began when man fell and will end when all is fully restored. (Genesis 3:6 / Revelation 21).

            In time sin caused man to become so wicked that God repented for making him and knew he had to be destroyed, Genesis 6: 5-7,  but then verse 8 mentions grace for the first time in scripture. God found a man who still walked with Him, verse9 and so through him God preserved man and was able to continue His quest for redemption. We know that only Noah and his family were spared but it was enough. Still in time man would again become so wicked they would stray from God. God would need again a man who would walk with Him and allow himself to be used by God to draw man toward redemption. This man was Abram who would become Abraham, Genesis 12: 1-7.

            Now a major part of God’s plan of redemption is completed in Genesis 22: 1-12. First mention of love in the Bible verse 2. Because Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only begotten son, God now would and could sacrifice His, John 3:16. From this point on through Abraham there would always be a righteous people on the earth, Matthew 1: 1-16. However in order to sustain right living before God He (God) gave to Moses the Law so people would know how God desired to be served and preserve them until redemption. So for hundreds of years through the Law God was able to bring man to the edge of his redemption. However sin had increased to such a point that the Law could no longer hold back the curse of Genesis 3. (Look at Malachi 4:6). Fast  forward to Malachi 3:1. The messenger is Jesus, keeper of the covenant. This along with verse 2 speaks of both His first coming (birth) and second coming. The rest of Chapter 3 should now explain itself.

 Man is on the verge of being delivered of his wickedness and a way back to God is being paved by grace and mercy through the blood of Jesus Christ. Christ means the anointed one. The anointing breaks the yoke of bondage. Read Malachi 4 carefully and it will all fit. Verse 1 speaks of destruction, verse 2 redemption, verse 3 conquering, verse 4 continue to keep the Law, verse 5 & 6 restoration before destruction. The last verse in the Old Testament (6) sums up the New Testament. rescued before the curse destroys (Redeemed).

            Now why did Jesus come? He came to save by fulfilling. Save by closing the gap between God and man that sin created. Fulfilling, not changing the Law so grace could do what the Law alone could not, bring us to faith.  Faith that Christ’s death forever secured our salvation (Ephesians 2:8).

            Does that mean the Law has been destroyed and we no longer need it? (No). To truly understand grace, faith and Christ we must first understand the Law and why it came to be. Matthew 5: 17-18, Jesus said it, not man. When is or was the Law fulfilled? John 19: 28-30 when Jesus knew all things were now accomplished that scripture might be fulfilled. Verse 28 said it is finished. (Fulfilled).

            So does that mean we can sin and still be saved? Absolutely not. We still must obey the Law wrapped up in Matthew 22: 34-40 and John 14:15 which are to love God with all your heart and your fellow man. So when we fail or fall short of keeping His command we can be forgiven and restored, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, not bulls and goats. So I’ve said all that to say this one thing.

            Unless we truly understand how the Old Testament and New Testament unite and work as one, we cannot and should not try to guide or convince anyone to do anything by quoting or giving one scripture. Every verse in the Bible is united with all verses to bring about one conclusion. Absolute truth so all people regardless of their past or present can, through obedience by faith and sustained by grace, have life eternal and be changed from what they became into what they were meant to be.


Bishop Keith Conard