Praise the Lord Saints!
This week in our stroll through symbolism “the Bible way,” we will talk about water!
The symbol is water, and this water cleanses us from sin. In John 4, Jesus is met by a Samaritan woman at the well. He asked for a drink, she replies, “How is it that you being a Jew, ask me for a drink since I am a Samaritan woman.” Jesus answered, “if you know the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, “Give me a drink” you would asked Him and He would have given you living water.”
(John 4:7-11)
The Old Testament metaphor spoke of God’s knowledge, His grace which spiritually cleanses us and provides spiritual life by the power of the Holy Spirit. John applies these themes to Jesus Christ who is the word of God and living water which is symbolic of eternal life.
Water of Life symbolizes the continual flow of eternal life from God’s throne, to heavens inhabitants.
We need water to survive, for without it we will surely die. Jesus used the woman’s need of the water to sustain life in the dry desert as the object lesson for her need for spiritual transformation!
Spirit Lead
Pastor Terry A. Gordon Jr.