The “I AM Statements “3”
I AM statement number three comes from the book of John 10:7, 9.
These two verses insist that belief in Jesus as both Messiah and Son of the living God is the only way of being saved from sin and hell and receiving the gift of eternal life.
In John 10:1-5 He was the shepherd, here He is the gate. In those verses He led the sheep out of the sheepfold. In 10:7, 9 He is the door that leads to green pasture.
Keep studying because in John 14:6 Jesus says that He is the only way to the Father. Jesus serves as the only way to approach the father and partake in the promise of salvation from God.
Friends, there are many religions claiming that they have other means of getting to heaven. Those are the ravenous wolves that we are warned to stay clear of. Men of the Bible gave their life for this prophecy and as we say here in Leavenworth Kansas, “Men don’t give up their lives for a lie.”
You study and choose for yourselves because we have already made our minds up to serve the Lord.
Spirit Lead
Pastor Terry A. Gordon Jr.