Praise the Lord Saints! Today we will be talking about symbol seven which is “Clothing.”
The symbol “Clothing” in reality is “a life dressed in truth.” Titus was the recipient to this letter from
Paul. Titus 2:10
(ASV)… “not pilfering but showing all good faith so that they will adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect.” In that text, “adorn the doctrine of God” is key. When you adorn, you put it on and wear it. While wearing it you make the doctrine of God attractive, making it easy to teach that God saves sinners.
In 1 Peters 3:5
(ASV),…The Apostle Peter writes… “for in this way- in former times the holy women also who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands” … An O.T. saint that was a model of inner beauty, character, modesty and submissiveness to their husband is Sarah. Sarah was said to have outward beauty. (very pretty) However, her inner beauty is what is special. We all need to have an inner beauty that reflects the life dressed in truth that will attract sinners to us, so that we can lead to repentance!
Spirit Lead
Pastor Terry A. Gordon Jr.