BEFORE I go too far in this one I want to ask this one question to you the readers. How much of the Bible do you believe? I have more questions to ask after this initial one. Now, what pray tell is PANGAEA? Although you wont or might not find this particular word in the dictionary let me tell you what it is: it means SUPERCONTINENT!
Now I know you are probably asking what does this PANGAEA have to do with the Bible and God’s Holy Word. Well, let me see if I can explain it. GENESIS 1:9 Then God said, “Let the waters below the heavens Be gathered into one place, and let the dry land Appear”; and it was so. GENESIS 1:10 And God called the dry land EARTH, And the gathering of the waters He Called SEAS; and God saw that it Was good.
SUPERCONTINENT (Pangaea) was IN THE BEGINNING, created by God. I have been watching many documentaries lately and one of the main questions they have had is how did the ancient peoples cross oceans and lands to get to other countries. Well, humor me for a moment here, listen to my thoughts on this matter. What if, there was really a Pangaea and not separated lands? Supposing, I mean just suppose that what the Bible says was true and that God created one land mass. Would it be more plausible that ancient peoples could get to western America during the Pangaea? That they never had to build ships and cross oceans? That they could just ride donkeys, camels and so on to cross the land?
Researchers have been finding more and more HYROGLIPHS AND PETROGLIPHS all over the world, and they are perplexed as to how they got there, and where they came from. Now, remember what God told Adam in the garden? GENESIS 1:28 And God blessed them and God Said unto them, “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, And subdue it; and have dominion over the fish Of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”{KJV}
Notice the underlined words REPLENISH THE EARTH? Why would God tell them to replenish it? Could it be that it really existed and was fruitful prior to Adam and Eve getting placed in the garden?
Was the earth, in the beginning, a Pangaea? Were all the continents and islands all combined into one massive land mass, or a supercontinent? It sure would answer the questions many people have about their findings of pyramids found everywhere, and all the art work and so on. Have you ever wondered? Have you ever questioned? I have.
What would this mean in present days conversations? Probably nothing, and possibly everything. Would it change the way we look at our past, do we even think about our past? The expanse God called Heaven and the waters were below and above Heaven. GENESIS 1:9 And God said, “let the waters under the heaven Be gathered together unto one place, and let The dry land appear, “and it was so.
So, there you have it, PANGAEA a SUPERCONTINENT! But what happened along the way that it is no longer Pangaea? Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, meteors just to name a few reasons that Pangaea is not now. Scientists are now claiming that the islands and continents are edging back together and they figure in the future 200 years they will be back to the original Pangaea. OH well, I doubt I will be here to see that, but You might get to. I know God can do anything, and if He so desired He could cause it to happen right now.
I know this is not the normal type of impartation, but it is one to bring the mind to think, and think beyond self understanding. How much do You think this could be true? Out of the BOX!
Lord God, help me to open my mind to the Possibilities of the wonders of Your Creation. Help me to see the Wonders of Your Hands And the works of Your mind. Grant unto me The guidance that You have to share, that I might become wiser in Your ways. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ